Outer Range (2022): A Review of Sorts
I don't know what to write about this.
Really enjoyed it;
And yet... But then is that the art of it,
Making me want more.
And I do.
Want more...

Outer Limits is mind-bending, surreal, and it draws on the mythology of Chronos (Time) and Ananke (Fate) against the usually stable backdrop of rural Wyoming. Being shown on Amazon Prime, it's very original and quite unique. Not only that, it sports an amazing cast who give up awesome performances. And I mean awesome. Josh Brolin, Liii Taylor and Tamara Podemski are all fantastic, as are others, but it has to be said Imogen Poots (Autumn) and Noah Reid (Billy) stole the show. Now I never give much away in my reviews, preferring instead to focus on an emotional response and enjoyment of films, tv series, and books, rather than ruining the telling of the story for others, but I have to say this...
What starts off in the typical western theme of a border dispute, with cowboy aggression, rodeos and murder, quickly spirals into something else. Something that draws on ancient mythology, chaos and time, themes that bring us closer to the strange tales of Skinwalker Ranch, unusual disappearances in the wild, wormholes, and the urban legends of a modern America. It's a really clever premise, ambitious, difficult to pull off successfully in a fictitious tale, and yet they do it very successfully.
The drama is good,
Acting brilliant,
And the weird is very weird.
It's good.
And I so, so, so want to know what happens to Deputy Sheriff Joy Hawk!!!
4.5 out of 5 stars for me; Just because it left me hanging a bit too much.
If there's a topic you'd like me to consider in a blog, a book you think I really need to read and review, or a TV Series you think I'd enjoy (and you'd like me to include it in my blog) drop me a line and let me know.
Finally. If you do buy my books. Thank you.
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