My Writing Days and Twitter
There was a time I hated Twitter. Now I love it.
It’s about routine.

Every day I write.
I have to.
It’s not about the number of words for me; I used to be a prolific writer but now my mental health and befuddled brain don’t let me do that. And so I aim to write a line, a paragraph or a page I really like. More often than not I write more words than I expect and that’s really cool. It makes me happy. And now I find Twitter is a bit the same.
Yes, it’s a social media tool and all part of that important ‘Author Platform’ that I’ve seen spoken of, but I’m not about becoming a social media or marketing expert. Personally, all I want is to improve my writing and meet like-minded people; those who share like-minded tweets on art and film; writing, reading, history and folklore. I certainly don’t want to use it as an unholy, marketing-based tantrum that shouts plugs at 'Followers' (I hate that term) every hour.
That’s not me.
And so I've stayed true to what I want, to just being me and sharing things I find interesting. Now I find I have a Twitter routine developing, which is helpful for my rusty brain. I look forward to it, and it's become part of my writing day. I peruse some online art, share paintings and sculptures that reflect my mood, let people know about free online writing events, participate in one or two, and put out the odd weird GIF; usually as part of sharing a line from my WIP. I find it cools the brain. And then I'm ready to write. But best of all, I have 'met' lots of like-minded people from all over the world. Artists and lovers of the moving image, bookworms, writers, witches and the beautifully weird, all of whom I count as online friends now.
So, how do you fit Twitter into your writing routine?

If there's a topic you'd like me to consider in a blog, a book you think I really need to read and review, or a TV Series you think I'd enjoy (and you'd like me to include it in my blog) drop me a line and let me know.
Finally. If you do buy my books. Thank you.
And let me know what you think. Get in touch on Twitter. I'm always there; a writer, you see...