'The Long Earth' by Pratchett and Baxter
I really enjoyed this. What's more it the first 'long' novel I've read (other than Du Maurier) in recent years given my battle with the brain and its attention span. No problems with 'The Long Earth' though; had me interested from the off and kept me smiling (and wondering) all the way through. Here's the shocker... This is the first Terry Pratchett book I've read (first Stephen Baxter one too)! I know. I do exist. A reader who has not read Terry...

To be honest I don't usually do 'funny' (which is what I always saw Terry being) or Sci-Fi (often) and so it was weird for me even to pick this book up. I'm glad I did. I didn't put it down and absolutely loved the concept of the Long Earth. Quite brilliant. I loved the whole - more room, resources and space than you can poke a stick at. This coupled with nods to traditional myth and Fortean happenings to keep it interesting to the likes of me. I loved the short stories of the secondary characters providing insight so that slowly everything unfolded like some weird origami sandwich, and of course the conflict with the established paper-pushers and non-steppers. With AI intelligence, a floating airship and a penchant for old movies it all made for the telling. The only downside (if it can be considered a downside) was that the ending all made for a platform to jump off on more adventures. This felt like a bit of a sell-out and twee. Having said that I will in all likelihood give the second book in the series a go. 4* from me and a big thumbs up.
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