Paul Jameson
Sep 1, 2022
Painted Eye
Light. Pretty. Soft flutter of wings in flight. Strange flight. Funny misshaped meander. Colourful, up, down, round and ‘bout, this way,...

Paul Jameson
Sep 20, 2021
A Place
There is a place in the forest. Beautiful. Once found, forever lost. I found it. Once. A place the wisest never leave. Forever they live...

Paul Jameson
Aug 30, 2021
Bottles Blue
HUMBLE, RUM, & RAGWORT For Medicinal Salve and Magickal Remedy Our Word is Our Promise Our Promise, A Spell “Come now Ragwort, we might...

Paul Jameson
Aug 21, 2021
Tithe is paid to the Clan upon the Cliff, one tenth the value of all goods as travel east to west, west t’ east, along the high valley....

Paul Jameson
Aug 10, 2021
Deep into Chaos she peers, gazes, wonders; sees there the madness from which dreams are made. Tiniest glimmer of hope as dances wild,...

Paul Jameson
Apr 10, 2017
The Madness of Writing: Inside the Bell Jar
This week I’d like to raise awareness of... ‘Inside the Bell Jar’ A literary journal and brave new venture, this online journal aims to...