Paul Jameson
Jun 13, 2022
Outer Range (2022): A Review of Sorts
I don't know what to write about this. Really enjoyed it; And yet... But then is that the art of it, Making me want more. And I do. Want...

Paul Jameson
May 31, 2022
'Stranger Things' and 'Eternals' - The Hit and Miss of Writing
For the last couple of weeks my blog has focussed on books - namely Tolkien's 'THE SILMARILLION' - and with 'THE CHILDREN OF HURIN' on...

Paul Jameson
May 24, 2022
Second Breakfast: Akallabêth and the Third Age (The Silmarillion)
This week I finished reading the last two sections of the book that is - though these two parts are not directly part of the story of the...

Paul Jameson
May 16, 2022
The Silmarillion : A Review of Sorts
I finished The Silmarillion. Not the whole book mind, just the Silmarillion part - which is about three quarters of the whole. I'm just...

Paul Jameson
May 9, 2022
Alexander (Theatrical Cut)
I have to say I'm right into getting theatrical and extended cuts for historical and fantasy films these days. The first one I invested...

Paul Jameson
May 1, 2022
The Many Saints of Newark : A Review of Sorts
I'm a huge fan of the Sopranos. Loved everything about it. The characters, their quirks, the dark humour, broken personalities, drama,...

Paul Jameson
Mar 8, 2022
Peaky Blinders - Late to the Party, But Just in Time...
Okay. I admit it. I'm one of those people who often shirks watching a hit series or film simply because it's popular. I don't know why....

Paul Jameson
Nov 12, 2021
Back Reading, and Two Reviews of Sorts...
My brain is rubbish. After three breakdowns and a variety of mental illnesses diagnosed, it doesn't work at all well. My memory is shot...

Paul Jameson
Aug 16, 2021
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Having taken an unintended writing break (bar writing short stories and dramatic whimsey) after completing Life of Maggot, I find I am...

Paul Jameson
May 28, 2021
Fields of Grace - A Book Review of Sorts
I used to read ravenously. All the time. Now, since my brain went weird and I had a few mental breakdowns, I think I'm up there as one of...