Paul Jameson
Nov 10, 2023
Danny the Champion of the World
At the age of 54, coming up 55, this may not sound a lot to brag about, but today I finished reading 'Danny the Champion of the World'...

Paul Jameson
Jul 14, 2023
A New Me? Kind of, but not really...
A New Me? Kind of, but not really... I know. Strange title. And it's been a while. October 2022 since I last wrote a blog post. Strangely...

Paul Jameson
Feb 17, 2022
On Reading, Writing, and Watching
Time I reinvigorated the blog. It's been awhile. Being a recluse - and indeed having become even more reclusive over the last couple of...

Paul Jameson
Mar 14, 2021
Idle Thoughts, the British Museum and Museum of London
Trying to find inspiration for a new piece, a beginning that catches me with character or emotion, and my idle thoughts lead me to...

Paul Jameson
Jan 21, 2019
Why Folklore? And Why is it important to Me?
Why Folklore? And why is it important to me? Sounds a simple enough question, only once you start to strip away the obvious you quite...

Paul Jameson
Jan 14, 2019
Folklore and Me - A Healthy Fascination
Over the last few years, whilst struggling with mental health, I've come to realise how important the folklore, history and landscape of...

Paul Jameson
Jul 17, 2017
The Inner Child and Writer's Block
As per my weekly routine, I joined with other writers and Twitter friends for #storycrafter yesterday. It was all about fear and how it...

Paul Jameson
Jul 3, 2017
On the Beauty of Mental Illness
I'm really busy editing and so my life is pretty much that at the moment. So I have chosen to share an old post from January 2015 and an...

Paul Jameson
Apr 10, 2017
The Madness of Writing: Inside the Bell Jar
This week I’d like to raise awareness of... ‘Inside the Bell Jar’ A literary journal and brave new venture, this online journal aims to...