Paul Jameson
Nov 23, 2023
Sutton and the Reverend Drax Free
Sutton is a beautiful little village in Bedfordshire. Very small. Indeed, it has a population of just 299, or thereabouts. It has a...

Paul Jameson
Sep 26, 2023
Weird in the Wade - A Brilliant Podcast
Podcast...? I'd never listened to a podcast until this year. Up to now my listening routine featured football commentary on the weekend,...

Paul Jameson
Aug 17, 2023
The Alkimos - A Cursed and Haunted Ship
I'm going much further afield today for a ghost story. You see, I used to live in Australia - for a good ten years when the kids were wee...

Paul Jameson
Aug 4, 2023
Humphrey Winch, Witch Trials, and a Little Corner of Bedfordshire
Okay. Wow. History... This is why I love being back in the UK. It's like every little corner of the country, every field, hill, and...

Paul Jameson
Mar 17, 2022
DreamSwarm : Place for Supernatural Film, Stories, Art
DreamSwarm celebrates the art and artists of a strange place. The brainchild and baby of Andy Mark Simpson, it is a place that enjoys the...

Paul Jameson
Mar 14, 2021
Idle Thoughts, the British Museum and Museum of London
Trying to find inspiration for a new piece, a beginning that catches me with character or emotion, and my idle thoughts lead me to...

Paul Jameson
Feb 13, 2021
DreamSwarm & an Author Interview
It's been a long time since I wrote my blog. Longer than a long time, a weekly habit that I need to revive and breathe life back in to. A...

Paul Jameson
Feb 4, 2019
What is Folklore? My Tuppence Worth...
What is Folklore? This is a question I've seen discussed on social media many times. Efforts tend to try to distinguish why it's...

Paul Jameson
Jan 21, 2019
Why Folklore? And Why is it important to Me?
Why Folklore? And why is it important to me? Sounds a simple enough question, only once you start to strip away the obvious you quite...

Paul Jameson
Jan 14, 2019
Folklore and Me - A Healthy Fascination
Over the last few years, whilst struggling with mental health, I've come to realise how important the folklore, history and landscape of...