Paul Jameson
Sep 22, 2017
My thoughts on 'The Pearl' by Steinbeck
Sometimes, with some authors, when you finish one of their works you have to give it time to settle, let it 'become', before casting...

Paul Jameson
Aug 14, 2017
Virginia Woolf and Lessons for Me
This week I borrowed a few shorter pieces of works and short story anthologies from the library. These included more shorts by Du Maurier...

Paul Jameson
Jul 25, 2017
Of Mice and Men (by John Steinbeck)
I really enjoyed this book. A novel or a novella? At 29,000 words I guess the latter in this day and age. Even my slow and healing brain...

Paul Jameson
Jul 10, 2017
Blind Edits and 'Hop-Frog' by Edgar Allen Poe
I seem to have been editing for an age, but I come close now to being satisfied with a final edit of ’76 and the Odd 93’. I first penned...

Paul Jameson
Jun 12, 2017
On Reading and Du Maurier
Originally written in mid-2016, this is an old post lifted from my old site. I hope you won't mind. It revisits my return to reading...

Paul Jameson
Apr 24, 2017
The Masque of the Red Death
Today I treated myself. No writing. Well, what I mean is no creative writing as yet. There’s still four hours of today left, and after...

Paul Jameson
Apr 3, 2017
Storytelling: The Art of Horror
This week I’ve dipped my toe into horror twice. The first by reading Printer’s Devil Court, by the author Susan Hill, and the second by...

Paul Jameson
Mar 6, 2017
Finding Peter Pan's Wendy
Have you ever heard of Cockayne Hatley? Nor had I until I stumbled upon it one day with my daughter, Finty. We were searching for...

Paul Jameson
Feb 6, 2017
The Black Cat - by Edgar Allan Poe
Today I finished reading Poe. In England, teachers only ever teach you about English authors; at least that was what it was like in my...

Paul Jameson
Jan 23, 2017
The 39 Steps - Book Review
The 39 Steps. Surely we all know this one. I loved the movie (the one with Robert Powell) and I've never read the book. So here I am in...