Paul Jameson
Mar 6, 2017
Finding Peter Pan's Wendy
Have you ever heard of Cockayne Hatley? Nor had I until I stumbled upon it one day with my daughter, Finty. We were searching for...

Paul Jameson
Feb 6, 2017
The Black Cat - by Edgar Allan Poe
Today I finished reading Poe. In England, teachers only ever teach you about English authors; at least that was what it was like in my...

Paul Jameson
Jan 23, 2017
The 39 Steps - Book Review
The 39 Steps. Surely we all know this one. I loved the movie (the one with Robert Powell) and I've never read the book. So here I am in...

Paul Jameson
Jan 9, 2017
A Tale of Two Books; One Good, One Bad
This week I read two books. Sort of. The first was the small and skinny 'The Embassy of Cambodia' by Zadie Smith and the second the...

Paul Jameson
Dec 26, 2016
'The Long Earth' by Pratchett and Baxter
I really enjoyed this. What's more it the first 'long' novel I've read (other than Du Maurier) in recent years given my battle with the...

Paul Jameson
Dec 16, 2016
'Rule Britannia' by Daphne Du Maurier
I really enjoyed this. Perhaps it was Du Maurier's 1930s voice in a 1970s setting that I loved. The eccentricity of the writing, of Mad...

Paul Jameson
Nov 29, 2016
'Heroes' by Anne Perry
A short story or novelette? Take your pick. My guess in the latter and I really quite enjoyed it. I picked it up in the local library...

Paul Jameson
Oct 17, 2016
'The House on the Strand' by Daphne Du Maurier
I'm perplexed. I love Du Maurier, her writing and the personal life she led, but for me 'The House on the Strand' is the weakest book or...