Paul Jameson
Sep 9, 2021
Life of Maggot
Is a strange piece, even by my standards. A novella in length, I wrote it as a kind of precursor to NIGHTJAR, to put into context hinted...

Paul Jameson
Aug 30, 2021
Bottles Blue
HUMBLE, RUM, & RAGWORT For Medicinal Salve and Magickal Remedy Our Word is Our Promise Our Promise, A Spell “Come now Ragwort, we might...

Paul Jameson
Aug 21, 2021
Tithe is paid to the Clan upon the Cliff, one tenth the value of all goods as travel east to west, west t’ east, along the high valley....

Paul Jameson
Aug 10, 2021
Deep into Chaos she peers, gazes, wonders; sees there the madness from which dreams are made. Tiniest glimmer of hope as dances wild,...

Paul Jameson
Feb 27, 2021
Self-Publishing through Amazon KDP
Just this week I released my third large piece - a novella - LIFE OF MAGGOT through Amazon KDP. Now you'd think, with three large pieces...

Paul Jameson
Feb 4, 2019
What is Folklore? My Tuppence Worth...
What is Folklore? This is a question I've seen discussed on social media many times. Efforts tend to try to distinguish why it's...

Paul Jameson
Jan 21, 2019
Why Folklore? And Why is it important to Me?
Why Folklore? And why is it important to me? Sounds a simple enough question, only once you start to strip away the obvious you quite...

Paul Jameson
Jan 14, 2019
Folklore and Me - A Healthy Fascination
Over the last few years, whilst struggling with mental health, I've come to realise how important the folklore, history and landscape of...

Paul Jameson
Aug 27, 2018
Fact ... Always Stranger Than Fiction
This year I released my first novel, ‘Nightjar’. It’s a fantasy, with more than a hint of dystopia, set in a feudal future and centred...

Paul Jameson
May 19, 2018
The Landscape that Inspired Nightjar
Over the last week and two I have released my first novel out into the world. 'Nightjar' is a literary fantasy set in a feudal future,...