Paul Jameson
May 16, 2022
The Silmarillion : A Review of Sorts
I finished The Silmarillion. Not the whole book mind, just the Silmarillion part - which is about three quarters of the whole. I'm just...

Paul Jameson
Mar 28, 2022
For Those Unaware, #INDIEAPRIL Is Upon Us
Where has the year gone? April in 3 days. Already! And for those unaware, it means #INDIEAPRIL is upon us. Consider this your wake-up...

Paul Jameson
Feb 28, 2022
What Middle Earth Means to Me...
I tried reading the Silmarillion when I was about fourteen, after having finished (and falling in love with) The Lord of the Rings. I...

Paul Jameson
Feb 17, 2022
On Reading, Writing, and Watching
Time I reinvigorated the blog. It's been awhile. Being a recluse - and indeed having become even more reclusive over the last couple of...

Paul Jameson
Nov 12, 2021
Back Reading, and Two Reviews of Sorts...
My brain is rubbish. After three breakdowns and a variety of mental illnesses diagnosed, it doesn't work at all well. My memory is shot...

Paul Jameson
Sep 20, 2021
A Place
There is a place in the forest. Beautiful. Once found, forever lost. I found it. Once. A place the wisest never leave. Forever they live...

Paul Jameson
Sep 9, 2021
Life of Maggot
Is a strange piece, even by my standards. A novella in length, I wrote it as a kind of precursor to NIGHTJAR, to put into context hinted...

Paul Jameson
Aug 30, 2021
Bottles Blue
HUMBLE, RUM, & RAGWORT For Medicinal Salve and Magickal Remedy Our Word is Our Promise Our Promise, A Spell “Come now Ragwort, we might...

Paul Jameson
Aug 21, 2021
Tithe is paid to the Clan upon the Cliff, one tenth the value of all goods as travel east to west, west t’ east, along the high valley....

Paul Jameson
Aug 10, 2021
Deep into Chaos she peers, gazes, wonders; sees there the madness from which dreams are made. Tiniest glimmer of hope as dances wild,...