Paul Jameson
Mar 3, 2024
Napoleon : A Review of Sorts
I was really looking forward to this film, but then at its release a lot of historical purists were quite vehement in their...

Paul Jameson
Nov 23, 2023
Sutton and the Reverend Drax Free
Sutton is a beautiful little village in Bedfordshire. Very small. Indeed, it has a population of just 299, or thereabouts. It has a...

Paul Jameson
Oct 31, 2023
BBC's Paranormal - The Girl, the Ghost, and the Gravestone
The BBC are producing some pretty good investigative paranormal programmes at the moment. The most recent is UNCANNY, a transition of a...

Paul Jameson
Sep 26, 2023
Weird in the Wade - A Brilliant Podcast
Podcast...? I'd never listened to a podcast until this year. Up to now my listening routine featured football commentary on the weekend,...

Paul Jameson
Aug 17, 2023
The Alkimos - A Cursed and Haunted Ship
I'm going much further afield today for a ghost story. You see, I used to live in Australia - for a good ten years when the kids were wee...

Paul Jameson
Aug 4, 2023
Humphrey Winch, Witch Trials, and a Little Corner of Bedfordshire
Okay. Wow. History... This is why I love being back in the UK. It's like every little corner of the country, every field, hill, and...

Paul Jameson
Jul 21, 2023
A Walk with Weird in the Wade and a Lost Castle
It's only been a week and I'm already writing another blog post. That's some improvement for me, and I have to say it's a lot to do with...

Paul Jameson
Mar 17, 2022
DreamSwarm : Place for Supernatural Film, Stories, Art
DreamSwarm celebrates the art and artists of a strange place. The brainchild and baby of Andy Mark Simpson, it is a place that enjoys the...

Paul Jameson
Mar 14, 2021
Idle Thoughts, the British Museum and Museum of London
Trying to find inspiration for a new piece, a beginning that catches me with character or emotion, and my idle thoughts lead me to...

Paul Jameson
Mar 4, 2019
Book Review: A History of Ancient Britain (By Neil Oliver)
I might have mentioned I’m beginning a Masters in Celtic Studies at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. I’m very excited;...