Paul Jameson
Feb 19, 2018
Faery Folk
The letter ‘F’ and I struggled with what to write. Not for lack of folkloric things, I stress, but more for the plentiful abundance....

Paul Jameson
Feb 5, 2018
Donnington Castle
As a young man I lived in Newbury. It's where I used to drink myself silly, fell in love, had children and lived with the better part of...

Paul Jameson
Jan 29, 2018
Covent Garden and William's Ghost
Last week I promised the letter 'C', and so I'm taking you to Covent Garden for one of London and Britain's many ghost stories. Who...

Paul Jameson
Jan 22, 2018
Boscastle and a Pagan Place
The letter 'B', and I so want to live in Boscastle. Have done ever since I was lucky enough to be taken there by my wife for a holiday...

Paul Jameson
Jan 15, 2018
The Art of Folklore
Today I start off my alphabetic tour of folklore and its influence on me with the letter 'A'. At first I struggled with what to write....

Paul Jameson
Jan 8, 2018
Folklore, Ghosts, and my Writing
In my humble opinion there’s naught quite so magic as the folklore and history of the Isles of Britain. Having spent a decade in...

Paul Jameson
Mar 6, 2017
Finding Peter Pan's Wendy
Have you ever heard of Cockayne Hatley? Nor had I until I stumbled upon it one day with my daughter, Finty. We were searching for...